As well as having biodegradable wads and cases with 0% plastic that increase the environmental sustainability of Sports Shooting, our Clay cartridges also offer exceptional and carefully balanced performance with great accuracy, patterning, recoil and effectiveness.
BIOAMMO offers a sustainable solution to the significant problem of single-use,
petrochemical plastics in munitions and their adverse effect on the countryside and
BIOAMMO’s wads and cases are 100% biodegradable and compostable* and
leave zero micro-plastics behind.
They can simply be added to the organic rubbish, put on the compost heap or buried,
allowing micro-organisms to turn the wads and cases into a fertilising biomass. The
metallic bases are also designed to oxidise into eco-friendly matter.
BIOAMMO’s plastic-free technology enhances their premium performance too with
improved energy transfer and patterning.
■ A conventional cartridge contains 7 grams of plastic which could make 4 plastic bags.
■ Picking up the cases and wads is laudable but they usually then go to landfill
where they remain for ±500 years, breaking down into micro-plastics and entering
the food chain.
■ Others are burnt and pollute the atmosphere.
■ Fibre wads also often contain bitumen and plastic seals.
■ Water-soluble wads still leave a residue and can have storage issues.
■ Recycling is not a sustainable option as it is costly and only defers their disposal.