South australian
rifle association

EST. 1861

| Projectile - 22cal - Sierra 64gr Tgk Game-changer / 100pk

Projectile - 22cal - Sierra 64gr TGK Game-Changer / 100pk

Projectile - 22cal - Sierra 64gr TGK Game-Changer / 100pk

Optimal jacket wall thickness controls expansion and retains weight
Open pocket under the polymer tip expands lead core instantly on impact
Tuned ogive for industry-leading BC
Boat tail design for stable flight and accuracy

Introducing the Sierra GameChanger hunting bullet: the perfect combination of Sierra’s legendary match accuracy coupled with deadly penetration. Sierra re-engineered their legendary MatchKing bullet into a hollow point design for quick expansion and fitted it with a transparent green tip for ballistic uniformity. Inside, the GameChanger features a unique construction that utlilizes a special lead alloy surrounded by a tough copper jacket that delivers excellent penetration and expansion at a variety of ranges. It’s a GameChanger on any hunt! This is not loaded ammunition.

4 In stock