South australian
rifle association

EST. 1861

| Ammo - 20ga - Eley Vip 32gram #6 / 25pk

Ammo - 20Ga - ELEY VIP 32gram #6 / 25pk

Ammo - 20Ga - ELEY VIP 32gram #6 / 25pk

The last and most successful redevelopment of the Eley Hawk Game shooting range has been our flagship cartridge, the VIP Game. Developed directly from the extremely successful Trap VIP range. With speeds matching those of the best trap cartridges, the VIP hunting ammunition has earned a reputation of being one of the most effective game shooting cartridges available to today's modern game shooter.
Top quality perfectly matched components coupled with secret blends of propellant and of course Eley Hawk's extensive expertise and know-how, creates one of the hardest hitting performance ranges of game cartridge currently available on the market.

3 In stock

Available In Store Only

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