South australian
rifle association

EST. 1861

| Projectile - 30cal - Sierra 169gr Matchking Smk / 100pk

Projectile - 30cal - Sierra 169gr MatchKing SMK / 100pk

Projectile - 30cal - Sierra 169gr MatchKing SMK / 100pk

This bullet was designed with one thing in mind, and that was to shoot 1000 yards in a 308 Winchester. To accomplish that, we added length to the boattail and engineered a forgiving tangent ogive with a closed nose. Doing this gave it a .527 BC which keeps it super sonic past 1000 yards in a 308 chamber. This bullet is basically a redesign of the legendary 168MK which we will continue to manufacture. Anyone that enjoys shooting medium to long range with a 308 or even the big magnums will love this bullet.

$115.00 $103.50
1 In stock